We can guarantee that you find yourself in a space 100 % insurance, thus, I complying with the reporting obligations contained in Article 10 of the law 34/2002, from 11 of July, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is noted below:

1.1. data identifying the responsible

As stated in the Act 34/2002, from 11 of July, services of information society and electronic commerce, we inform you that:

  • company name is: EVENTS youth football DF SL
  • CIF is B66253972
  • The head office is located in street Mare de Deu Lorda, 31-39 2ª – 08913 Badalona (Barcelona)
  • Email: info@futbol-df.com
  • Our social activities are sports events, campus and classes related to the world of football and sport in general.

1.2. Purpose of the website.

The services provided by the head of the website are the following:

  • Promoting services and sporting events.
  • Manage the list of subscribers and users assigned.
  • Direct your affiliate.

1.3. users:

Access and / or use of this website attributes the condition of USER, accepting, from such access and / or use, the terms of use, However, by the mere use of the website does not mean the beginning of labor / trade relationship.

1.4. Using the web site and capture information:


The website http://www.futbol-df.com/ and subdomain http://www.futbol-df.es/ onwards (AT WEB) It provides access to items, news, and data services (onwards, "the content") Grassroots EVENTS owned DF SL. The user assumes responsibility for the use of the web.

The user undertakes to make proper use of the content offered through its website and by way of example but not limited, not to use them for:

(a) illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order;

(b) disseminate content or propaganda of racist, xenophobic, illegal-pornographic, apology of terrorism or against human rights;

(c) cause damage to physical and logical systems of the web, its suppliers or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are capable of causing the aforementioned damage;

(d) try to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.

EVENTS youth football DF SL We reserve the right to remove any comments and contributions that violate the respect for the dignity of the person, that discriminates, xenophobes, racist, porn, that threaten youth or childhood, order or public security or, his trial, not suitable for publication.

In any case, EVENTS youth football DF SL not responsible for the opinions expressed by users through the blog or other participation tools that can be created, as provided in the implementing legislation.

1.4.2 Data collection

- Contact Form, where the user must fill in the email field, issue and name.

- Subscription Form, the user filling the required fields for the acquisition of the course with the name fields, surnames, address, city, country, state, Postal Code, email and password

- Tracking Cookies, according to the following rules

- Navigation and IP Address: By browsing this site, the user provides automatically to the web server information regarding your IP address, date and time of access, the hyperlink that has been forwarded to them, your operating system and browser used.

Despite the above, users may unsubscribe at any time services provided by EVENTS youth football DF SL or data provided by the user in compliance with current legislation on Data Protection. Likewise, both subscribe to this website and to make any comments on any of your pages and / or entries, the user consents:

  1. The processing of personal data in the environment under WordPress privacy policies.
  2. Access EVENTS youth football DF SL to the data, according to the infrastructure WordPress, the user needs to provide well for subscription to the course for any consultation via the contact form.

Likewise, inform you that our users' information is protected according to our PRIVACY POLICY.

When you activate a subscription, contact form or comment, You understand and agree that:

From the moment you made your subscription or access any payment service, EVENTS youth football DF SL access

a: Name , y email, or other data necessary for billing forming a file duly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency under the name of "WEB USERS AND SUBSCRIBERS" or in the case of making a purchase, You will be subscribed to file "CLIENTS AND / OR SUPPLIERS" accessing data name, surnames, email, ID and complete address.

In any case EVENTS youth football DF SL You reserve the right to change, at any time and without notice, the presentation and configuration of the web www.futbol-df.com/ as this legal notice.


EVENTS youth football DF SL by itself or as transferee, It owns all property rights Intellectual its website, así como de los elementos contenidos en la misma (a título enunciativo, imágenes, sonido, audio, vídeo, software o textos; marcas o logotipos, combinaciones de colores, estructura y diseño, selección de materiales usados, programas de ordenador necesarios para su funcionamiento, acceso y uso, etc.), titularidad de EVENTS youth football DF SL o bien de sus licenciantes. Todos los derechos reservados.

Cualquier uso no autorizado previamente por EVENTS youth football DF SL será considerado un incumplimiento grave de los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial del autor.

Quedan expresamente prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, incluida su modalidad de puesta a disposición, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de esta página web, con fines comerciales, en cualquier soporte y por cualquier medio técnico, sin la autorización de EVENTS youth football DF SL.

El USUARIO se compromete a respetar los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial titularidad de EVENTS youth football DF SL. Podrá visualizar únicamente los elementos de la web sin posibilidad de imprimirlos, copiarlos o almacenarlos en el disco duro de su ordenador o en cualquier otro soporte físico. El USUARIO deberá abstenerse de suprimir, alterar, eludir o manipular cualquier dispositivo de protección o sistema de seguridad que estuviera instalado en las páginas de EVENTS youth football DF SL.

Queda terminantemente prohibido compartir la licencia para uso con más personas, cada licencia es personal e intransferible reservándonos cuantas acciones civiles y penales nos asistan en aras de salvaguardar nuestros derechos, todo ello bajo apercibimiento de incurrir en un delito contra la propiedad intelectual del art. 270 y ss del Código Penal con penas de prisión de hasta 4 years.


EVENTS youth football DF SL no se hace responsable, en ningún caso, de los daños y perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que pudieran ocasionar, a título enunciativo: por errores u omisiones en los contenidos, por falta de disponibilidad del sitio web, – el cual realizará paradas periódicas por mantenimientos técnicos – así como por la transmisión de virus o programas maliciosos o lesivos en los contenidos, a pesar de haber adoptado todas las medidas tecnológicas necesarias para evitarlo.


EVENTS youth football DF SL se reserva el derecho de efectuar sin previo aviso las modificaciones que considere oportunas en su web, pudiendo cambiar, suprimir o añadir tanto los contenidos y servicios que se presten a través de la misma como la forma en la que éstos aparezcan presentados o localizados en su web.


Las personas o entidades que pretendan realizar o realicen un hiperenlace desde una página web de otro portal de Internet a la web de EVENTS youth football DF SL deberá someterse las siguientes condiciones:

– No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de ninguno de los servicios ni contenidos del sitio web sin la previa autorización expresa de EVENTS youth football DF SL.

– No se establecerán deep-links ni enlaces IMG o de imagen, ni frames con la web de EVENTS youth football DF SL sin su previa autorización expresa.

– No se establecerá ninguna manifestación falsa, inaccurate or incorrect on the website EVENTS youth football DF SL, or the services or contents thereof. Except those signs that are part of the hyperlink, the website in which it is established not contain any trademark, tradename, business sign, denomination, Logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to EVENTS youth football DF SL, unless authorized by it.

- The establishment of the hyperlink does not imply the existence of relations between EVENTS youth football DF SL and the owner of the website or portal from which it is made, nor the knowledge and acceptance of EVENTS youth football DF SL services and content offered on this website or portal.

EVENTS youth football DF SL no será responsable de los contenidos o servicios puestos a disposición del público en la página web o portal desde el cual se realice el hipervínculo, ni de las informaciones y manifestaciones incluidas en los mismos.

El sitio web de EVENTS youth football DF SL puede poner a disposición del usuario conexiones y enlaces a otros sitios web gestionados y controlados por terceros. Dichos enlaces tienen como exclusiva función, la de facilitar a los usuarios la búsqueda de información, contenidos y servicios en Internet, sin que en ningún caso pueda considerarse una sugerencia, recomendación o invitación para la visita de los mismos.

EVENTS youth football DF SL no comercializa, ni dirige, ni controla previamente, ni hace propios los contenidos, servicios, informaciones y manifestaciones disponibles en dichos sitios web.

EVENTS youth football DF SL assumes no responsibility, even so indirectly or, for damages of any kind arising from access, maintenance, use, quality, application, reliability and usefulness of the content, news, communications, reviews, demonstrations, existing or offered on websites products and services not managed by EVENTS youth football DF SL and that are accessible through EVENTS youth football DF SL.


EVENTS youth football DF SL reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and / or services offered without notice, to himself or a third party, to those users who violate these Terms of Use.


EVENTS youth football DF SL pursue the breach of these conditions and any misuse of its web exercising all civil and criminal actions that can by law.


EVENTS youth football DF SL you can modify at any time the conditions specified here, They are duly published as they appear here. The validity of these conditions will remain in their exposure and are valid until they are modified by other duly published.


EVENTS youth football DF SL reports that there are complaint forms available to users and customers can send an email to info@futbol-df.com indicating your Name, the service or product purchased and stating the reasons for your claim.

También puede dirigir su reclamación por correo postal dirigido a: EVENTS youth football DF SL con domicilio en calle Mare de Deu de Lorda, 31-39 2ª – 08913 Badalona (Barcelona)


La relación entre EVENTS youth football DF SL y el USUARIO se regirá por la normativa española vigente y cualquier controversia se someterá a los Juzgados y tribunales de la ciudad de Barcelona, salvo que la Ley aplicable disponga otra cosa.


+34 661 49 97 90



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